Starting at 9am Sat 2nd July
In the main hall. Horowhenua Events Centre, 33 Victoria Street, Levin.
Entry (as per show entry) is $5 per adult
Breeds we are expecting (so far)* include:
Old English Game Fowl (large and bantam)
Pekin Bantams
Khaki Campbell ducks
Muscovy ducks
White, buff, black, Pekins
Wyandotte White - bantam & large.
Large Blue & Black Orpingtons
Speckled Sussex
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Blue Silkies
Indian Runner Ducks
Hyline pullets
Pet suitable crossbreds
Columbian Rock hens
Gold Campines
Leghorn pullets
* this is what breeders have told us they are likely to bring, there might be some changes on the day.
If you would like to sell birds at the show, please contact us ASAP
PLEASE NOTE: No sales before 9am Saturday 2nd July