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Silent Auction - Silver Double Laced Barnevelder Trio 27th March
Silent Auction - Silver Double Laced Barnevelder Trio 27th March

Sun, 27 Mar


Levin Show Grounds (poultry shed area)

Silent Auction - Silver Double Laced Barnevelder Trio 27th March

Silent auction for Silver Double Laced Barnevelder Trio (2 pullets and a cockerel). Colour hard to get in NZ

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Time & Location

27 Mar 2022, 10:00 am

Levin Show Grounds (poultry shed area), 33 Victoria Street, Levin 5510, New Zealand

About the event

SILVER DOUBLE LACED BARNEVELDER TRIO SILENT AUCTION, 27th March, Levin (showgrounds)  Exciting news! Due to the immense popularity of the Silver Double Laced Barnevelders in our catalogue, the seller has kindly given us the opportunity to include a trio in the upcoming sale on 27th March.

 The trio consists of 2 pullets, hatched 1st Jan 2022 and a cockerel. See pics of the birds themselves, and their parents in the online sales gallery. 

This is the last chance to purchase from the seller this season, they have had huge interest and have nearly sold out.  We have decided to make a feature of them and sell them via silent auction. 

This will work as follows:

 All bidders to register in advance with the Club at the sales desk on arrival, OR, if you don’t think you can make the sale, but still want to participate, you can lodge your interest and maximum bid in advance, with me (Sofianna), via email on Please do this before 6pm on Saturday 26th March. See note below re collection if you win*  

ON THE DAY:  On registration, each bidder will be given a number (to use instead of their name when bidding)  The silent auction start time will be announced and the bidders can add their bid to the bid sheet by the cage, using just their number and the amount they wish to bid, NOT their name (hence ‘silent’).  We may also have pre-arranged distance bidders, we will add bids for on behalf. 

 At a certain point, we will give a 10 minute heads up that the auction is closing shortly, giving bidders the chance to re-bid if they wish. 

The winner will be the person with the highest bid when the time is up. We anticipate the auction will start around 10.30am and time called around 11.30 /45am . 

 Winner ideally to pay cash and take away there and then (we will have boxes) or if we need to wait for internet payments to clear (e.g. in the case of distance bidders, or people who didn’t bring quite enough cash and got carried away haha) then the seller will take them home and collection (prompt please as per the note below!) will be arranged separately. The seller is local. 

20% of final price to go to the Club Fundraiser. 

 Note, re collection. Winners paying by internet banking, we will notify you at auction end, and expect prompt payment by online banking to the Club account. Ideally we would like to see payment cleared within 3 days, and collection arranged for within a week (once payment has cleared), otherwise additional feed/care costs might be incurred. If collection in a reasonable time can’t be arranged, we reserve the right to offer them to the next highest bidder.

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