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Guess The Weight of the Rooster Competition - Levin AP&I Show 2025

Rooster on bathroom scale screenshot as no credits shutterstock.png

At Levin AP&I Show, 18th and 19th January 2025,

Central Districts Poultry & Pigeon Club, held a competition to guess the weight of the rooster (just by looking).

At 4pm on Sunday 19th January 2025, we closed the competition and weighed him with some members of the public watching. He was a very good boy, stood stock still on our digital scale and we got a clear weight reading of...

3 Kilograms, 955 grams!

Thank you again to all those who participated, it was great fun, chatting to you all, and taking your guesses. The voucher was donated by a member and 100% of the guess sales will go to the Club fundraiser. 
Thank you everyone, we still have a way to go, but you helped us get a bit closer to our fundraising target of $10,000 which will allow us to buy much needed equipment for the Club.

This will hopefully enable us to hold a large, affiliated show in 2026.


. If you would like to make a donation, sponsor a cage, become a member, volunteer, or support us in other ways, please contact us

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