Levin AP & I show report
What a great time we had at the 2022 Levin AP&I Show! In these Covid uncertain times, we weren’t sure how it would go, but I’m pleased to report we had plenty of visitors to our area and the atmosphere generally seemed relaxed and happy. We were so lucky with the timing and the weather!
The small poultry display we set up, with information about the different breeds, proved popular. It got people talking and asking questions - about the breeds themselves and also general poultry/ pigeon keeping advice. We had birds for sale too and that went well. We waved off many a smiling customer, complete with box(es) and feathery passenger(s). A small proportion of each sale goes to help the Club put on Shows and buy new equipment etc., so it was pleasing to see quite a few empty sales cages by the end of the event.
It was a fair bit of work setting up, but so rewarding. We laughed, swapped stories, ate ice creams and met lots of lovely people, known and new, including some new Club Members. At the end of the day, CDPP Club is about people and FUN!
The birds of course were the stars of the show. RooRoo the Pekin bantam rooster in particular, strutted about on his lead, perched on chairs, arms, shoulders and was a huge hit. Many a small child made his acquaintance and he was so well behaved (didn’t poop on any visitors, phew!)
People marvelled at the size of Sarah and Ian’s Black Orpington rooster while he was in the display but even more so when Sarah took him for a walk on Sunday! (although I think he would try to claim he was walking her 😉 )
I had a pair of Indian Runner Ducks I wasn’t sure if I should bring to display, as they are not quite standard colour, but pretty nonetheless. We popped them on the end of the cages near our desk, and they proved to be quite the drawcard. They chatted away happily to each other, and our many visitors, occasionally sprinkling water on whoever was closest to their cage. Quite refreshing on a scorching hot day!
Favourite quotes / public feedback on the day:
A lovely lady leaning in conspiratorially, and loudly whispering to me ‘I have to say, you are quite NORMAL for a poultry person!’ (which made me snort with laughter, and no doubt any friends reading this will do so too).
Another lady, passing us on her way out, yelled out ‘Made my day, well done, my favourite part of the show!’
Also heard - ‘Fun and friendly’, ‘Thanks for the advice’, ‘That’s a strange looking dog’ and ‘I’d like to become a member please!’
We had a visit from a member of the local press who took pics and chatted to us about RooRoo, the Club in general and Nationals (1-3rd July in Levin). Hopefully we will see a mention in the paper.
So all in all, a success! We will aim to do the same, but even better, at next year’s AP&I. If you would like to help out on the day (even for just a short while) then please do get in contact.
And now its on to our next event. The Sale and AGM on 13th Feb. Check our upcoming events section for details for more info (here)
If you are reading this and not a member yet, we would love to get you onboard. Ongoing membership support is vital to keep the Club, shows and other events going.
Head to the Join Us section of this website or drop me a message on members.cdppc@outlook.com
Until next time!
Sofianna (Member Liaison – Central Districts Poultry & Pigeon Club)