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The 2022 National Poultry & Pigeon Show Countdown Newsletter No. 3

 The National Poultry & Pigeon Show to be held at the Horowhenua Events Centre, Victoria St, Levin on the 1st ,2nd and 3rd July 2022.

Reminders: - Sponsorships to be paid in by 1 April (so it can be published in the schedule)
CD POULTRY & PIGEON CL 38-9020-0339934-00

Bus Trip (see previous newsletters for more info) – Friday morning (1 July) – we’ve booked a 40 seater bus, so first 40 bookings get a seat (everyone else can run behind!).  
At this stage, the cost of the bus trip is $15/head (may change varying on diesel prices) – bookings will be required (payment with your entries). Can you indicate now, by email, of your interest (& numbers) asap.

The Sharing of Knowledge: - We have engaged Neil Christensen to speak and answer questions on Pigeons, followed by a talk & questions on Poultry.
This will be held on the Saturday (2 July 2022).
As most people know, Neil is a very well known and recognised Avian vet in New Zealand and the Southern Hemisphere.
If you have any particular questions/topics you’d like discussed, please email us, so we can pass it onto Neil - Neil is also a sponsor of our show, so please support his business Avivet, as he supports us.
















Planning a National Show during Covid
I’m sure folks will be wondering, ‘But, what about Covid?’.
With other events being pulled for Covid logistics reasons, it certainly adds an extra dimension to our planning.
At this stage, we remain positive.
With so much going on in the World, hobbies like Poultry and Pigeon keeping are a valuable distraction and great levellers.
We are lucky to have a large space to work with for our show and a few options available to allow social distancing.
It being Nationals, we are especially keen to make it work. So if it can be done, it will be!
That said, we realistically need to build some contingency in, with our show volunteer crew; in case we lose people last minute to Covid home isolation.
Therefore, we are reaching out to potential volunteers.

Volunteers - Fancy helping us for a couple of hours during and/or before/after the Show?

Volunteering at the show is fun and rewarding – its a great way to make new friends and see some of the best birds in NZ, while helping pull together a special, valuable, community event. Please contact us if you think you can help anytime between 28th June to 3rd July. Those who volunteer for 2 hours or more get free general admission and our eternal gratitude! (note at this stage, it looks like vaccine passes will be required for our volunteers so please bear this in mind).

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